Monday, May 2, 2011

May Projects

I used metallic silver thread on several of my first projects this month and man, that stuff can be a pain! Not sure if any of you sewing friends have ever tried it, but here are a couple of pointers in case you do . . .

1. Ball point needle seemed to work best with the knit shirts I used the metallic thread on. (I'm not one to always use ball point needles on knits, I usually use titanium.) The thread frayed and broke less when I switched to the ball point.

2. When I broke my last ball point needle that I was using and had to switch back to titanium, I put Solvy on top of the shirt and that also seemed to really work.

3. With bathing suits, I always use Solvy on the top. Since I was using the metallic thread this time, I used two layers of Solvy and of the three items I used the thread on, the suit was the only thing I had absolutely NO problems with! Phew.

If you read this and have any wisdom to impart, please do!